Sunday, February 11, 2007

Just As I Had Hoped... trusty helpers came and helped me make 10 new pinecone bird feeders to keep our birds happy. The birds just didn't much care for the suet feeder that I used to replace the original pine cones, so we refilled the originals and made some more. We made enough to tide us over until the next visit, I hope! We hung two of them up before the boys went home today, and the birds have already found them and are chowing down. Making pine cone bird feeders is a messy job, just perfect for little boys, although Nick, like his grandma, doesn't really like to have messy hands. He enjoyed the work, but he wanted clean hands right after he was finished!

The bird feeder project was just one of the fun things we did this weekend. Just having the boys and their mother here was a weekend brightener, but the rest of the family came out for a visit yesterday, too. All we missed was Andy, and we did miss him. However, the rest of us had a very nice day. It's not often that we have all three kids and their families at home at one time, usually only for major holidays, but it just serendipitously worked out that both Chip and Doug, who usually work on Saturdays, were off. (Boy, that was a long sentence, wasn't it?) I got to cook for the family for a change, as we usually order pizza or something. Not that I fixed a fancy meal or anything, but it was something everyone liked. It was too bad that Chip, Shira, and Aiva had to leave before supper, but they were going out to eat before they went home, so I'm sure they had a nice meal, too.

Things had been very quiet around here lately, but life seems to be starting up again. Yesterday and this morning the house was abuzz with activity that made both Grandpa and me happy. Even with the unrelenting cold weather, maybe this is a sign of spring--both of the season and the spirit. :) Life is good!

One of the things that made me happiest was telling Nick to come back soon and hear him say, "I will come back ANY time!" It makes us old grandparents feel good to know that the kids are as happy to see us as we are to see them!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the visit. I enjoyed the break. I only hope you're not lying when you say that the boys running around like fools and not listening to their mother made you happy :-)

Susie said...

I'm giggling at Alissa's comment! Of course the boys running around made you happy!!
What a fun project to make the pinecone bird feeder. Everytime you see the birds feeding, you'll think of that fun time...
Glad it was a good weekend..